Saturday, June 3, 2017

Silverfish In My Home (Landon)

A/N: This is another vlog transcript.

Uploader: LandonLakesMilk

Heeeey, guys.

This is going to be a different kind of video from what I usually do. I won't plug my other channels just doesn't feel right. I've been on here since my 16th birthday (link's in the description) and this is my home. It really is...and I feel like there are silverfish in my home, so let's address a few things.

First off, there's a troll on Twitter whose URL resembles mine. This person's URL is Land0nLakesButter. That's my Twitter URL LandonLakesButter with a zero instead of an O. As much as trolls bug me in general, this one gets to me more because they're pretending to be me in order to promote some outright horrific stuff. I know that there are many parody, satire, and other accounts that use my name such as the-real-landon, EdgyLandon, and landon_lakes_cheesecurls, but these guys are just funny and don't cause any problems. This one, however, causes lots of problems.

First off, they're a raging homophobe--and I know you guys know that I don't use that term lightly. Especially since this is pride month and all that, I feel very disturbed that someone would say things like "I'll bomb your school's LGBT acceptance events. #homophobepride". They even went so far as to say "Havencraft needs to happen again since I didn't succeed in wiping the homos out the first time." Being gay myself, I would never say something like that. So...yeah. I have a homophobic impersonator.  In light of it being pride month and all, I've done a little research on this person and they're also a pedophile YouTuber. I don't mean someone who thinks 16 and 19 year olds should be able to be in a relationship. I mean that they advocate having sex with children. Their channel name is Taylor E., so go report them on YouTube as well. Some of my fandub videos have been taken down due to "copyright issues", but content like this is still up. What the *censored*, YouTube? WHAT THE *CENSORED*?

Now that you know about fake Landon, let's move onto something that's affected me very deeply even though it's not directly related to me.

*pause for awkward movements*

You guys, I can't keep dredging up stuff about Havencraft, talking about gay stuff, or practicing my presentation skills and have this go ignored. This is something that happened on a larger scale than Havencraft and I think it deserves to be discussed because it brings light to a lot of issues that I find important. Ready? Here we go. *deep breath.*

Mindcrack Middle and High School had a suicide crisis. Around 200 total students were found dead, usually in the bathrooms. A former student told me that the bathrooms looked like war zones and that they were being cleaned out half the time because a lot of them were vomiting as a result of intentional overdose. And guess what? The administration did nothing until Steve, the band and now orchestra teacher at Mindcrack, confronted them along with others who were not with the school. The fact that the same people who banded together after Havencraft are the same people who are willfully ignoring Mindcrack's problem.

Anyone who's ever lost someone to suicide knows that it's absolutely devastating. I can't imagine how their parents, the surviving students, and the empathetic staff feel. The fact that this issue isn't being brought up and addressed bothers me to say the least. One suicide is one thing, but when the corpses of deceased students are littering the bathrooms, something is terribly wrong with the school. I don't have anything else against Mindcrack, just the fact that this has gone on for too long without attention to the problem.

If you know any Mindcrack students or staff, send them some good thoughts and things. They're probably all bewildered and searching for answers.

That's all I wanted to talk about, so, yeah. I probably ruined your day, but now you're informed.


  1. Valan: *Sees Vlog* " seems the nessesary must be done." *Runs to Yuuris house and stands outside his window* "YUURI!!!"

    Yuuri: *pokes head out* "Hai?"

    Valan: "I need you to get a collaboration of doge memes and send them to this Twitter troll of Landon. Also might be worth sending a couple of gay pride memes."

    Yuuri: *Nods in understanding* "On it." *Goes to send memes*

    1. 1 2 3 4 I declare a meme war!

    2. That's Valan and Yuuri in a nutshell, saving the world via memes. Same with Tiggs though he has darker memes while Yuuri has wholesome memes. Valan has a variety of memes and if the three work together they'd likely break the Internet. Sarah on the other hand has the computer skills along with Sammie to break your computer and the Internet via coding, bugs, and general techiness.

    3. Mark: Did someone say meme war?


Give me feedback or give me death!