Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Q and A (Landon)

Title: Ask Landon: Q and A Time!
Uploader: LandonLakesMilk

Well, this my first audience Q and A video. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but I didn't really have the guts to do it, so here goes!

This is from Radfem Anita: What makes you think you have the right to make commentary on the Havencraft shooting? You must hate the survivors enough to speak over them. I hope you die.

Well, thank you, Radfem Anita. I've been wanting to answer this question for a while and I'm glad you asked. I believe that, when things like this happen, it helps to understand all perspectives and I'm giving mine as a way of paying it forward and making myself a better person. And no, I don't hate the survivors. I owe them my take on things. I uploaded my vlogs for them...and for others. If I hated them, I certainly wouldn't make commentary videos like mine. If you think my take is skewed, it probably is because *gasp* I'm speaking from my own perspective about what I did.

From landy-longlegs: WOW I wish everyone else could see how talented you are! How do I show that I'm a fan of your current content and not some wacko who condones the shooting?

Aww, now you're making me blush! Well, just refer to me as your favorite dancer or singer. Referencing videos helps and, by the way, I'm going to be participating in an ice show in the near future, so stay tuned for that. I can't give any other specifics about the ice show because of their policies, but I'll inform you guys as much as I can. As for the latter part of your question, just explain that I'm a content creator and that you like my content. You don't need to say why.

From catcatcat12: You're such a good horn player! I loved your solo in your Yuri on Brass concert! How do I sound like you?

Well, thank you. It takes lots of practice. Lots. Of. Practice. I do lip slurs and scales every day. On that note, every instrumentalist has their own individual sound and you should focus first and foremost on getting your best sound from your instrument.

From I Couldn't Think of a Good Username: How do you...ah...keep everything contained when you dance?

Two words: Dance belt. *holds one up for the camera* Please comment if you want a tutorial on how to wear one of these. I wish I had one.

And *scrolls*...that's a bot. Don't click on that.

From landen4353: hi my name is landen it's the same as yours only it's spelled kind of differently. i have a bit of a problem. you see, my parents want me to go to havencraft (i'm going into high school), but i'm worried that i'm going to be bullied because of my name. they won't listen to me and i was wondering if you could offer me some advice.

Well, Landen, first of all, Hi! I never thought I'd meet someone with the same name. *waving intensifies*

Well, first of all, just go in. Hold your head up high and create your own reputation. It's been several years since the shooting took place, so no student survivors currently attend the school. Not only that, the school itself was totally rebuilt and updated with new technology and things. Join a club or try to make one of your own. Keep your grades up, but not too high and I know everyone says this, but just be yourself. Be the best Landen you can be and you will be successful. That's what I did by starting my many YouTube channels. If you go and feel genuinely unsafe, like you think someone's going to hurt you, please tell your parents to pull you out. I wish I had done that. It would have saved so many lives.

I'd also like to note that--and this goes for everyone--if you start to feel like nothing's making you happy, like you're in a never-ending rut, please (I'M BEGGING YOU) go to a counselor, a teacher, or your parents. Even if it's "not that bad", just do it anyway. Getting the help you need early on will save lives whether that's your life or other peoples' lives. Not a day goes by that I don't wish that I could go back and start my life over again. Not only that, but, if your school ever takes disciplinary or legal action just from you talking about homicidal ideation in the absence of you making threats or attempting to act on it, they're in the wrong. Any school that really cares about preventing future shootings will not make a "display of force" (force being petty authoritarianism) as I call it and thus and drive the student away from asking for and receiving help. In short, just be your best self, get help when you need it, and let your parents know if you genuinely feel unsafe in any way.

That's all for today and I hope you enjoyed my video. I'll definitely do more Q and As in the future, but why don't you guys check out my other channels in the meantime? It's really been a pleasure to get to know my audience and I'll even have a survey out in the near future.


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