Tuesday, May 8, 2018

A Midsummer Night's Dream (Landon)

Mark did great skating to Eros and donated the prize money to his band program. I'm doing a review of the original Havencraft RPG with both actual gameplay and commentary. Most of the bootlegs (I wouldn't even call them bootlegs.) are from people trying to be edgy and offensive, but, even without taking accuracy into account, the games fall flat in every sense. One was a generic shooter game that pretends to have a story. Am I supposed to care about this caricature of myself? No. He's an annoying sociopathic edgelord with no interest or purpose besides killing. If I could blow his brains out, I would.

I'm in the research stage and, so far, the direction that the creator went with was totally different from everything else I've seen. The creator's humor interspersed with his take on me were interwoven brilliantly. Lisette even made a few appearances and had some influence on the gameplay. Speaking of Lisette, she DM-ed me on a private Twitter account.



What's up?

I feel like crying.


Well, long story short, I got kicked out of the house. I'm losing my hearing. My parents said they could put up with cerebral palsy any day of the week, but couldn't take me having hearing loss.

Oh no!

Yeah. It sucks 'cause I can't hear my music, I moved down a few chair positions, and now I can't even hear the teachers in my classes. I have to lip-read.

That's terrible. They kicked you out for something you can't control.

Well...that's not why they kicked me out. I said I've felt "off" for a while about a year ago and I couldn't figure out why. I started getting interested in binding, but I just wear oversized shirts. 

Are you... I didn't want to finish the sentence at first. Are you transgender?

Yes. I can't take it anymore. 

I can't just call you Lisette anymore. You need a new name. 

I want to stick with the L theme, but I don't really like Liam, Lance, or Luke.



Lysander. From A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Great, now all I need is a Demetrius. 

At least you didn't want to change your name to Hermia. 

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