Saturday, May 19, 2018

Wandering Son (Yuuto)

Landon did his presentation at DesiredCraft High School and, to be honest, I didn't think he had any reason to be nervous. He spoke with authority and passion that could only come from the heart. I heard Landon working on his musical adaptation of "Bang Bang You're Dead". I help by fetching props, adjusting mics, and giving feedback.
         "Hey, let's work on the promotional singles." I sipped my tea.
         "Sure." Both of us got to work. Landon's voice swelled into a soul-piercing scream and I loved it. The sound, both awful and awe-inspiring at the same time, diminished into a whimper. I interjected with jabs of my own from time to time making sure to sound as angry and hurt as possible.
         "That was good. Let's get some food." Both of us had drained several mugs of honey lemon tea in an effort to maintain our vocal health, but neither of us had eaten anything besides some chocolate pudding. We made a sukiyaki pot of sorts using strawberry jelly instead of white sugar in the teriyaki sauce. Landon is so creative and can find solutions to any problem. I cooked the homemade tofu I had brought and we ate. He bit into the tomato like an orange wedge and sprang back to work again, but I had another idea.

I suggested that we take a break and binge watch Hourou Musuko in an attempt to really understand his (now) brother, Lysander. Landon agreed, which surprised me as this anime is the opposite of his normal genre. However, I did not expect what came next. He fell asleep about halfway through the third episode, probably because of the soundtrack, so I turned it off and watched him sleep. He looked peaceful and breathed evenly as I ran my hands through his hair. Why was I doing that? I couldn't help myself.

1 comment:

  1. "Hourou Musuko" - that made me want to watch the anime.

    I like the building - the tension - the peace.


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