Thursday, May 31, 2018

Lovely Laura (Landon)

My score is coming together quite nicely, but will I get the production rights? In this era, it seems unlikely, but I've never been one to avoid risks. I tried all sorts of directions to go with the lead, Josh. I tried the sociopathic edgelord, but that didn't fit. I tried directionless anger and that failed too. I tried the victim angle too, but that just made me shatter a glass in frustration. It was when I found another article on Masumi Shoji that I decided which direction to go: desperate and defensive.

It made me sick that the Havencraft High School shooting inspired what happened to the talented musicians at the Desert Violin Convention. However, the reporters made me even sicker than I already was. I had thought of killing my parents at times, but can anyone really blame me? All they cared about was lovely Laura. They shoved pills and lectures down my throat instead of listening to me. They kicked my brother out of the house for being trans and losing his hearing. Speaking of that, I'm picking up ASL pretty well and even wrote optional ASL lines into my musical. If I'm getting a message out, I might as well make sure everyone can get it.

Speaking of Lysander, he helped himself to the cookies I had made and then crashed on the couch. It was as if he had always been a boy and Laura hadn't made us feel disappointed in ourselves by subtly rubbing our failures in our faces. Sometimes, I still wish I wasn't gay. I still love my new boyfriend, Yuuto, more than ever, but I just wanted to be accepted like everyone else I knew. If not for that, I wouldn't need to have Laura's ghost hanging over my shoulder.

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